Course Calendar

Artificial Intelligence

CSE 518, Monsoon 2023
Lectures: Tue and Thu 8:00 AM - 9:30 PM. GICT 105
Instructor: Shashi Prabh
Office: GICT 125
Office hour: Wed 2:00-4:00 PM, or by appointment
Email: shashi.prabh @ ahduni
Prerequisites: Introduction to Computation and Programming (CSC 104), Data Structures and Algorithms (CSE210), Discrete Math (MAT 101), Probability and Random Processes (MAT 202). Programming ability is a MUST.
Introduction and course objectives

Artificial intelligence (AI) is bound to impact human life in a big way. The syllabus is intelligent agents, problem solving using search (uninformed, informed, local), games and adversarial search, constraint satisfaction problems, logic, knowledge representation, planning, probabilistic reasoning and Bayesian networks, probabilistic inference in temporal models, Hidden Markov models, decision networks, Markov decision processes, machine learning and reinforcement learning.

The objectives are:
  • Learn the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Learn to represent knowledge.
  • Learn to build autonomous agents that can make efficient decisions in fully informed, uncertain and adversarial environments.
  • AI: A Modern Approach, Russell and Norvig, 4th Edition, Person, 2022
  • Hands-on work and Project: 25%
  • Quizzes: 10%
  • Midterm exam: 30%
  • Final exam: 35%
Helpful Advice ( a.k.a. expectation from the students! )
Pay attention and take notes! Get doubts cleared during the lecture itself -- do not hesitate to ask questions in class. Before attending a lecture, review your notes and scan the portion of the textbook that will be covered (see the course calendar page here). Do assignments on your own. If you happen to miss some session(s), do talk to someone else who attended or the TA to find out the topics covered and any announcement made.