Course policy

  • Acceptable file format for electronic submissions of code is plain text and all other materials (reports, assignments) is pdf
  • Assignments or lab reports are to be handed in before the beginning of lectures/labs on their due dates
    • Late assignments will attract a penalty of 25% per day
  • Make-up exams and assignments will be allowed only for medical reasons and family emergencies
    • In case of medical or family emergency leaves, attendance makeup requests must be submitted to the TA
    • If you avail any such exemption/make-up, submit a summary of your requests (granted or pending) on the day of final examination
  • Noise and distractions
    • Cellphones can't be used in the classroom and labs
    • Silence must be maintained in the classroom except for asking questions and during group discussions
    • Students are expected to be punctual
  • Academic integrity
  • I encourage discussing the assignments with classmates. However, all submitted work must entirely be written by the student (alone) in own words. Submission of work copied from classmates, from the web or any unauthorized source will be considered an incident of cheating. I will award penalty of one letter grade upon the first incident, and will award the fail grade (F) and report to the university disciplinary committee upon the second incident.
  • Use of Mailtrack or any other tracking service in emails is prohibited. I will not respond to any such email.