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Computer Networks, Winter 2024

Course Calendar - Labs
Lab Topics Instructions Dates Reference
1 Introduction, Familiarity with Ethernet Lab 1 instructions 3/1
2 Network two computers using patch/cross cable, File Transfer, IP Address Lab 2 instructions 10/1
3 Client-Server introduction, Performance Measure Lab 3 instructions 17/1 client.c server.c
4 C Review Lab 4 instructions 24/1 command_line_arguments.c, sample.txt
5 Tools: Wireshark, UNIX Tools Lab 5 instructions 31/1 Wireshark
6 Introduction to socket API, transfer of files over network Lab 6 instructions 7/2 Beej guide to network programming
7 Transfer of audio/video files over UDP Lab 7 instructions 14/2, 28/2, 6/3 Client code, Server code
8 Reliable data transfer over UDP Lab 8 instructions 13/3, 20/3, 27/3
9 Real-Time Multimedia Streaming Implement the tasks specified in the code 3/4 GStreamer-based RTSP Server
Test video
11 Lab Exam 10/4